Gado Gado

Serves 4 to 6 Preparation time: 35 mins Cooking time: 1 hour

Step 1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots or Garlic, makes 11/2 cups, preparation time: 20 mins, cooking time: 5 mins

10–15 shallots or 30 cloves garlic and 1 cup (250 ml) oil
(1) Peel and thinly slice the shallots or garlic, then pat dry with paper towels.
(2) Heat the oil in a wok over medium low heat and stir-fry the sliced shallot or garlic until golden brown and crispy, 3 to 5 minutes.

Do not allow them to burn or they will taste bitter. Drain well using a wire mesh sieve and allow to cool completely, then store in an airtight container. Reserve the Shallot or Garlic Oil for frying or seasoning other dishes.

Step 2. To make the Gado Gado Dressing, coarsely grind the peanuts, garlic, chilies and kencur in a mortar or blender, adding a little water if necessary to keep the mixture turning. Place the ground mixture in a saucepan with all the other Dressing ingredients, except the lime or lemon juice, and simmer uncovered over very low heat for about 1 hour, stirring frequently to prevent the sauce from sticking to the pot and burning. Remove from the heat and set aside. Add the lime or lemon juice, mix well and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the Crispy Fried Shallots over the sauce just before serving.

Step 3. Bring a saucepan of water to a boil over medium heat, and briefly blanch the vegetables (about 30 seconds for bean sprouts, 1 minute for spinach, 1 to 2 minutes for carrot, and 2 to 3 minutes for green beans and cabbage). Remove from the heat and drain.

Step 4. Arrange all the vegetables on a serving platter and top with the tofu and egg wedges. Garnish with the remaining Crispy Fried Shallots and drizzle the Gado Gado Dressing on top. Serve with the deep-fried krupuk on the side.

1 cup (50 g) bean sprouts, seed coats and tails discarded
2 cups (180 g) spinach, rinsed, tough stems discarded
1 carrot, sliced
1 cup (100 g) green beans, cut into short lengths
1/4 head cabbage, leaves separated and sliced
2 cakes (about 7 oz/200 g each) deep-fried tofu, sliced
2 hard-boiled eggs, cut into wedges
2 tablespoons Crispy Fried Shallots, to garnish shrimp rempeyek peanut crackers

Gado Gado Dressing
1 cup (150 g) roasted unsalted peanuts
2 cloves garlic, peeled
2–3 bird’s-eye chilies or red fingerlength chilies, deseeded
1 in (21/2 cm) fresh kencur root, peeled and sliced
1 kaffir lime leaf
3 tablespoons sweet Indonesian soy sauce (kecap manis)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups (500 ml) water
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice


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