Karedok - Raw Vegetable Salad with Palm Sugar Dressing

Serves 4 Preparation time: 25 mins

The Sundanese of West Java are renowned for their love of vegetables, both raw and cooked, and often eat them as between-meal snacks. Serve Karedok with rice as part of a main meal.

Step 1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots or Garlic, makes 11/2 cups, preparation time: 20 mins, cooking time: 5 mins

10–15 shallots or 30 cloves garlic and 1 cup (250 ml) oil
(1) Peel and thinly slice the shallots or garlic, then pat dry with paper towels.
(2) Heat the oil in a wok over medium low heat and stir-fry the sliced shallot or garlic until golden brown and crispy, 3 to 5 minutes.

Do not allow them to burn or they will taste bitter. Drain well using a wire mesh sieve and allow to cool completely, then store in an airtight container. Reserve the Shallot or Garlic Oil for frying or seasoning other dishes.

Step 2. To make the Karedok Dressing, grind all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a mortar or blender. Set aside.

Step 3. Separate the cabbage leaves, rinse well and shake dry, then slice them very thinly and place in a large bowl. Peel the cucumber, quarter it lengthwise and slice the quarters across very thinly. Place in the bowl with the cabbage. Rinse and drain the bean sprouts and place in the bowl. Add the eggplant and green beans.

Step 4. Pour the Dressing over the vegetables and toss well. Garnish with Crispy Fried Shallots and serve with krupuk.

1/4 head round cabbage
1 small cucumber
2 cups (100 g) bean sprouts, seed coats and tails discarded
1 slender Asian eggplant, thinly sliced
1 cup (100 g) thinly sliced green beans
2 tablespoons Crispy Fried Shallots (page 34), to garnish

Krupuk shrimp crackers or Crispy Peanuts Crackers, to serve

Karedok Dressing
1 in (21/2 cm) fresh kencur root, peeled and sliced
3–4 red finger-length chilies, deseeded
3 cloves garlic, peeled
3 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon dried shrimp paste (trasi), dry-roasted (page 23)
2 tablespoons tamarind juice (page 26)
2 tablespoons warm water
1 teaspoon salt


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